Friday, September 13, 2019

Laboratory Report of an Experiment on Optical Fibre Transmission Coursework - 1

Laboratory Report of an Experiment on Optical Fibre Transmission - Coursework Example Oscilloscopes are signal analyses that exhibit images of an individual conducting the experiment of signals generally in the form of voltage against time. The users employ pictures removed from the oscilloscope to comprehend the frequency of the graph, the graph amplitude and the entire shape of the graph that will vary basing on what the study intends to find out. Function generators, are also sources of signals whose voltage is set by an individual conducting the study. It runs for a given period. The outcome signals are in rectangular form of sine waves and are employed to govern the other equipment such as a clock to work as a timing signal. Function generators have features whether digital or analogue the digital type that includes: Choosing the type of the waveform. They are generally the sine, triangular and square waves. A means to select frequency of the waveform. Basic rates range between 0.01Hz to 100MHz. The means to select the amplitude for the waveform identified. A minimum of two outputs. The primary output is one where the user is conducting the research finds the waveform that one needs. The second output, being employed in the experiment is the Aux (TTL) which gives a square wave that has a standard of 0 to 5 voltage signal levels. It is what we are using to synchronize the oscilloscope to the variable basic output signal. This experiment also included the use of transmitter. SFH750V transmitter produces 650 nm with the ability of outputting 20 UV of light. The device has a width of 35 nm and needs current, basing on the required intensity, of 10 to 45 mA. The transmitter is a four-pin device and comprises of a LED, glass-bead focusing as well as a threaded chamber into an optical fibre is inserted. The study also needs one to have a receiver. The one that was found useful was a photodiode receiver. It is designed to be

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