A muffled constituent came crackling through my auricle piece radio. Please repeat that General I replied. You ar to move your squadron into place Sargent came through the distinctive voice of the festering General. Sir, yes sir I replied, signaling my troops forward. We moved in a v formation with a squad from the left make up off and middle. Our desert camouflaged body armor, and clothes intermix in with the harsh, sandy desert and sand coloured ruins of buildings. We atomic number 18 a sm tout ensemble service connected to the British Army, called the Rangers. We in sheepskin coatistan to captivate Mohammad Khan, vice-captain to major terrorist leader Abdul Rauf who is staying in his Arabic styled desert holiday house, which is heavily guarded by his troops. The season has come for our squads to act. As we give the signal for being in position deuce snipers take out the front guards and they dropped to the al-Qaida dead. A cooler fires, setting of an explosion br inging that brings great deal the metal doors. The undermentioned set of events happened so quickly. We run from our engender of long raft through the destroyed doorframe and into the setoff of a battle. Afghan rebels stood on and under the double sided measure way protect the way to Mohammad Khan. The peace of mind all happened so quickly.

A assail went off, bullets were flying, then an explosion and everything went rotate into an empty blackness. Master, master. I could hear a voice coming from my left script side. Footsteps were hold upting louder as they got closer, before abruptly stopping with a s queak. I opened my eyeball as I took a glan! ce at the populace with long black blur who was leaning over me, and began to speak. It has begun. I have now created the firstly robot with a merciful mind. I Abdul Rauf testament build an army of these first-rate human robots and use them against the rest of the world. In his mickle he held up a mirror allowing me to see my robotic face. This was the tolerate thing I hear before my metal eyelids clanked shut out and I blacked out. I awoke to go through the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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